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Restore your car’s shine in time for summer
At this time of year we’re getting more sunshine than we’ve become used to in the winter months. While that tends to be glorious for

A stylish way to protect your alloy wheels
Most of us today are aware of the benefits of alloy wheels. 50% of new cars have them because they are lightweight, contribute to better

Driving performance and economy: How to find the perfect balance
The performance vs. economy question is one that tends to vex motorists looking to buy a new vehicle. However, you don’t necessarily have to steer

What will cars of the future look like?
The auto industry is changing, fast. We have seen more disruption in the last decade than there has been for a century. The way we

How has automotive technology evolved over the years?
The evolution of automotive technology has come a long way since the first gas engine car was invented in 1886. Before that, the only cars

Could new car technology mean the end of the hybrid?
When the hybrid car was first pioneered the reception in the auto industry wasn’t exactly enthusiastic. While the Prius and Insight were happily received by

Steve Pascoe’s Ford Cosworth Restoration with Diamondbrite
Steve Pascoe is a good friend of Jewelultra, and we love to hear about his latest projects, especially when Diamondbrite is involved! (Clearly it runs

Motorcycle Riders: We want your help…
We’re looking for a serious year-round rider, who’s on their bike no matter what the weather, to test Diamondbrite Motorcycle Pro in the real world.

Drive Safe: Avoid these common car crash causes
Analysis of road accident statistics shows that many of these accidents are preventable. Although there is often an element of bad luck or bad timing

Protect the value of your caravan or motorhome with Diamondbrite’s leisure range
A caravan or motorhome is an investment for anyone. Whether you’re planning to sell on at a future time, or you just want to ensure